I don’t know what state of mind to be in right now to write this blog. JNU and the class of 2003 CGS/SLLCS (for those who left), (it’s an integrated course mind you, i.e. till you finish your PG. So there can be two classes of pass outs even if they get enrolled in the same year) has been a cauldron of emotions; gyan, love, bonding, friendship, tutelage and of course communism, though there was a minority of unreasonable guys and girls with the youth wing of the BJP (OP, Nitin, Alok take it with a pinch). Not that my comrades were a reliable lot.
I was thinking of coining a punch-line for the esteemed institution and probably thought of this one as apt – “a dope of education”.
Well, not digressing from the narrative, my class was a heavily dominated class (taking Taran’s perspective on this) dominated by people from a particular region, including me, I don’t live too far away. The only ones from other parts of
gotta go but i'll get on with it, its fun...
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